Battlefront 2 Boast “Massive Worlds & Moral Dilemmas”

Battlefront 2 is shaping up to be one of the most anticipated games of 2017 for the Star Wars gaming community, myself included. On April 15th earlier this year we got our first look at the latest installment in what’s shaping up to be a promising gaming franchise in Star Wars Battlefront 2. After a rocky start with it predecessor, from the trailer alone, fans were left with a feeling of security  and contentment. In the trailer we see fan favorite characters Darth Maul & Yoda (who were not previously included in the last game) but to many fans surprise, also the inclusion of newcomers Rey & Kylo Ren from the Force Awakens. One problem with Star Wars Battlefront that left gamers desiring more to say the least was the lack of a campaign mode which the first trailer for Battlefront 2 seems to rectify introducing us to Iden Versio the Imperial Special Forces Trooper who you’ll get to play as in a “in canon” story mode spanning from Return of the Jedi all the way to The Force Awakens.

We here at the Empire Strikes Blog our eager to get our hands on the game and destroy the resistance once and for all! Stay tuned for more Battlefront 2 updates and all your Star Wars News!